

The Chappelle Group Corporation (TCG), this a healthcare performance improvement company, try focuses on helping clients achieve financial and operational sustainability required to meet the needs of their community.


The Chappelle Group Direct-to-Consumer Response provides your marketing and communications teams with the people, processes and technologies to attract, engage, and retain consumers and understand the drivers of market share growth. We monitor responses from digital campaigns, mobile communications, and email communications and provide customized activity and revenue analytics so you can make informed decisions. Conifer Health also provides on-site fulfillment for event registration, direct marketing and communications. We maintain your patient information that may be combined with external data from CRM sources or patient discharge data, creating a robust database that assists you with strategic outreach planning. More than 50 customizable data points can be used to cross-market services to consumers responding to new outreach campaigns, as well as identify patient follow-up opportunities.

Key Benefits

  • Gain mindshare and compete for market share
  • Drive patient acquisition & retention
  • Leverage traditional & multichannel marketing and communications
  • Align business development efforts with service line growth strategies
  • Measure the tactical and response success of outreach campaigns
  • Promote system and hospital brand awareness


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